Friday, 10 September 2010

FUD Pigeon Decoys

Now with a break in the weather and most farmers getting the cutting done, this should be a good time to get out and onto the Pigeons.

Pigeon decoy shooting is propably the best form of shooting there is, Why? because it is generally free and the birds can be very testing, differing angles and speed and of course the dark art of getting the decoy's just right to coax the brids in.

So what can give us the edge, well there are several products on the market to help us, flock decoy's, whirley's, motion decoy's etc, but one all new decoy to hit the market is the FUD Folding Decoy and again here at Field and Moor we have the opportunity to test them out from a totally independant point of view.

So Thursday afternoon i arrange to meet up with Tony a good friend of mine and someone who has been shooting Pigeons for nearly 40 years and believe me what he doesn't know about decoy shooting isn't worth writing about.
I told him that we needed to try these New FUD Decoy's to see what happens which he was looking forward to trying. With a break in the weather we set off to a recently cut field of wheat as Tony had seen many birds flighting in over the past few days. He set up the hide and i placed the decoy pattern using just the FUD's to see how we got on.

Within in minutes the birds started to flight in, some straight in to the pattern and others came close enough to shoot, result. After 20 mins we went out at picked up the shot birds and added them to the pattern. We noticed some birds landing some 300yds away down the field so we put up the whirley which made all the difference and pulled the birds in from that distance away, wow what a sight.

FUD Pigeon Decoys

After about 4 hours we packed up with over 50 birds in the bag.

Phil with some of the birds shot, including 2 FUD's

So, the question is, Do FUD Decoys work???
Oh YES Without a doubt!!

If you have a view or comment please add below, all comments are welcome and good for discussion.

Look forward to hearing from you

Field and Moor

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