Thursday, 3 June 2010

Stock Aid get high praise from Shooting Times

We recently took the plunge and decided to give Shooting Times magazine one of our All New Stock Aid's for them to review. After approximately 6 weeks, well am guessing they are busy, a call came into the Field and Moor office asking for hi resolution pictures as it was being featured the following week!!! Pictures supplied and now the nervous wait for the outcome, especially as they are totally independant in their views and yes they will give a low score and review if the product is not upto scratch.

The next week i was away in Cumbria in a very bad phone signal area. While out walking the dogs in the middle of a 100acre woodland, much to my surprise my phone rang!! it was a very good shooting friend of mine in West Sussex who had just picked up his copy and read the article, all i mamaged to hear from him was;

"Score of 9/10 and Pick of the Week! hope you have got lots of".......................and the phone went dead, now Paul, to say the least is quite a joker! so was not sure if he was telling the truth so had to wait till i could get to the shop and see for myself.

Well as you may be aware he wasn't joking, a fantastic review by Alalstair Balmain, Editor with comments like:

  • "A well-made and clever solution to a tiring problem"
  • "Field and Moor has come up with this ingenious and simple device"
  • "Beautifully made using high-quality leather"

When you get this type of review it does make all the hard work and expense that much more worth while.
Need to know more and see better pictures look at Field and Moor

Many thanks and please feel free to leave a comment.


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